The first breast augmentation will be successful immediately if you follow all the postoperative recommendations and participate in the planned medical examinations.
15 March 2022
Hormones for breast growth: everything about the process of selecting the most effective, how to use them, what standards to follow, whether there will be side effects, other reactions.
31 December 2021
Methods to increase breast size without surgery at home: gels and creams, food, exercise, massage and folk remedies. Visual growth of the bust.
10 August 2021
An overview of conservative and operative methods of increasing breast size.
8 January 2021
Benefits and rules of massage to increase breast size. Contraindications. Features of water and regular massage.
3 October 2020
Why is breast augmentation necessary and what implants are there? Characteristics of surgery to enlarge the chest, recovery period, and risks of surgery
1 September 2020
Breast augmentation methods, postoperative rehabilitation period, overview of surgery.
24 August 2020
How to enlarge breasts without surgery: 13 ways or breast surgery? Why, the breasts lose their shape. Ways to enhance your breasts without surgery. A well-balanced diet for breast enlargement. Iodine for breast enlargement.
20 June 2020